Setting up a new mod
Click on Open Mods Folder in the Mods menu. This folder is where you can work on your mod while it’s in development or install other mods manually. Steam Workshop operates out of its own folder.
- Duplicate the example mod folder, onierolith_example.
- Rename it. The naming convention is ‘username_modname’, where username is just something to distinguish between different mods with the same name. It’s not related to your steam username or anything.
- Edit the metadata.ini file to give your mod a name.
- If you’re going to make a CSS mod, rename the .css file to be the same name as your mod folder. If not, you can just delete it.
- Find out more about the different files inside the mod folder.
- Once you’re ready to show it to the world, you can go into the Mods menu and upload it to Steam Workshop from there.